Falsely Arrested at Osco Drug Store

Initial notes about false arrest at Osco Drug Store

  Location: Osco Store # 9347
Mcdowell Road & Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona

Date: Wensday, Aug 18, 2004
Time: About 16:19 or 4:19 pm

People who mad false arrest:

Scott a long haired guy who was a cashier who initiall arrested me

Coray Neilson who was a heavy set, taller, and younger guy who said he was the manager.

I should ask the manager for a copy of the tape.

Notes about the false arrest:

I was falsely arrested at the Osco Drug Store on MC Dowell Road and Central Avenue in central Phoenix Arizona.

I went in by the gaurd at the entrance grabbed a can of 25¢ soda and one of those 25¢ brownies. Both items are at the very front of the store as you walk in.

I then walked back a few feet to the cashier and waited in line to pay. I think there were only two people in front of me. Maybe three people with only two of them paying money.

Scott the long haired cashier who looks more like a drug addict run me up for a whopping 50 cents. His badge said his name was Scott. But the name on the cash register receipt said "Hello, I'm ASST".

I searched my right pants pocket for the change. I pulled out a 3.75 ounce bottle of Save-On Petroleum Jelly I had bought the prior Sunday prior to noon (I bought it at the same store before going to the Library well now i dont remember for sure. it could have been after I went to the library, any how get a copy of the recept) and looked for change in my pant pocket. I didn't find the 50 cents. I put the Petroleum Jelly back in my pants pocket and grabbed a 5 dollar bill out of my wallet and gave it to Scott the cashier to pay for my 50 cent purschase.

Scott the cashier told me that I had to show him the bottle of Vasoline in my pants pocket so he could prove I didn't steal it. I don't remember his exact words.

I told him "no I was not going to show it to him" like I would tell any police officer who demanded that I flush my 4th Amendment Right down the toilet and submit to a search with out a search warrent.

Scott appeared to be very shaken that a person like me had refused him to allow to search me. His face was like eeeeek.

Scott told me "I had to show the vasoline to him" several more times. Again I don't know his exact words. Scott also said something to the effect that "this was his job (searching me) and he had to do it". again I don't remember his exact words.

Finaly Scott said that if I continue to refuse to show him the vasoline in my pocket he was going to call the manager.

The manager Coray Neilson told me several times that I had to show him the vasoline in my pocket so he could prove that it was not stolen. And I refused several times. I was thinking geezed don't these idiots know what probable cause is.

Coray the manager at one time said something like "Why on earth would I have a bottle of vasoline in my pocket if I didn't steal it" He also asked me if I showed the vasoline to the gaurd when I was entering the store. He also said if the stuff I had was a brand they didn't sell it was no big deal and they would'nt arrest me and would forget about the whole thing. And he gave me several other reasons why i HAD TO SHOW HIM the stuff in my pants pocket.

I have been through this many times before when police thugs with guns demand that I flush my right down the toilet and answer their question allow them to search me with out a warrent. So I didn't have any problem with this jackbooted Osco Store managaer named Coray Neislon and continued to refuse to show him what was in my pocket despite his demands.

Finally the Osco manager Coray Neilon told me that I had to show him what was in my pants or I would be arrested.

With that statement I assumed that the Osco store manager was placing me under resist and I submitted to the false arrest.

At this point I remember having a customer witness staring on, or perhaps it was another OSco employee I dont remember. THe video tapes will show.

I pulled the bottle of vasoline out of my pants pocket, pulled the cap off of it and showed the manager and Scott that duh!!! it was 80 percent EMPTY.

Both Scott and the manager seemed to say with their looks DUH! we F*CKED UP!.

I then told the manager that he was a jackbooted Nazi thug for falsely arresting me and illegally searching me. He denied falsly arresting me and said he made me show him the stuff before allowing me to buy my stuff! Yea sure asshole, after the arrest turns bad you deny it.

Our manager did write his name on my receipt.

Scott gave me my change and started to leave the store.

On the way out I asked the gaurd why he didn't stop me and make me empty my pockets before I entered the store.

I also commented that I didnt even go to the back of the store where I would have had to go to steal the vasoline.

The gaurd seemed to be aware of my false arrested and he said he chose to stay out of it.

To add insult to injury while I was talking to the gaurd Scott came up front and told me if i was going to continue to make trouble I would have to leave the store. I suspect the manager told him to do it.

I wasn't making trouble. I was just talking to the gaurd about my false arrest.

I told Scott he was a jackbooted Nazi thug and left the store. Scott piped up he wasn't a nazi.

The stuff on my printed cash register receipt said

9347 04 0402 252

Hello, I'm ASST

It listed my purchases as

L/Debbie .25 F
Pop      .25 F